Hello My Name Is… Provider
Theme verse - John 6:1-13 - Jesus feeds the five thousand
Dear heavenly father, before I spend time in this devotion I want to stop and give you thanks. You are my rock and my salvation and in you I find rest. You are my guidance and my counselor and in you I find wisdom. You are my father and my provider and in you my needs are met.
I am humbled by your mercy.
I ask that you quiet my anxious thoughts and give me peace as I spend time in your word. I pray for wisdom that you will guide my heart and mind to meditate on you fully. Let your Holy Spirit fill this moment with the comfort that comes with being in your presence. I am in awe of you, and yet so overjoyed to be called your child. I give you this time.
There are so many ways that God provides for us. Financially, emotionally, spiritually, and more. Jesus wants to be at the center of your life. And as our provider, we learn of our dependence on him as we grow.
God cares about each of your needs. He’s a good father, and a good provider. If you are a parent you desire to be a good provider to your kids. Even if you don't have kids, it's common you want to take care of your parents, or siblings, or friends. And just as each of these people have needs, so do we. Just like when our kids come to us for provision, we can turn to God for our needs.
Provision can also include wisdom and guidance. God provides advice in our lives. God also provides mental and emotional help, often in the form of his spirit.
In John 6, the large crowds that followed Jesus were a representation of those in need of help. Jesus was seen as a provider of physical, spiritual and emotional help. Jesus could provide in ways that the rest of the world could not. These crowds could have turned to the magicians of their day, or their healers, or religious zealots, or city leaders. And yet the more Jesus demonstrated his ability and willingness to provide, the larger the crowds became. Interestingly, even when he took care of the needs of those around him, his disciples didn't understand, the pharisees were jealous, and some people assumed he had an agenda.
There are people all around us that are looking for Jesus. There are also those who are confused and don't know where to turn with their needs. Many are listening to all the different voices and influences of the world and they simply want to be fed. Just like you, and just like our kids, everyone has needs. We often wander around trying to fill those needs and yet Jesus is right here, waiting to talk to you and provide for you.
The story in John not only illustrates God’s provision in the face of need, but there were leftovers! God often provides more than we need, even when we can’t see it.
In what ways can you see God’s provision in your life?
Has there been a time your needs were met without explanation?
John Piper says, “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, but you may be aware of three of them.” How many needs in your life have already been met that you have taken for granted? If I’m being honest, I tend to take salvation for granted sometimes, simply because I said yes to Jesus a number of years ago, but his salvation is his greatest act of providing for us there is! Our first need really is to be loved by God and he demonstrates that through his act of grace, even though we don’t deserve it.
Take stock in what you need right now. It could be many things, and it could be very few.
Regardless of where you find yourself today, take a moment to thank God for how he continues to provide for you even when you don’t realize it. Then thank God for what he will do for you later today, and tomorrow, and the next day. Finally, thank God that he invites you to come to him, to talk with him, to listen to him, to be loved by him, and to receive from him.
Theme verse - John 6:1-13 - Jesus feeds the five thousand
Dear heavenly father, before I spend time in this devotion I want to stop and give you thanks. You are my rock and my salvation and in you I find rest. You are my guidance and my counselor and in you I find wisdom. You are my father and my provider and in you my needs are met.
I am humbled by your mercy.
I ask that you quiet my anxious thoughts and give me peace as I spend time in your word. I pray for wisdom that you will guide my heart and mind to meditate on you fully. Let your Holy Spirit fill this moment with the comfort that comes with being in your presence. I am in awe of you, and yet so overjoyed to be called your child. I give you this time.
There are so many ways that God provides for us. Financially, emotionally, spiritually, and more. Jesus wants to be at the center of your life. And as our provider, we learn of our dependence on him as we grow.
God cares about each of your needs. He’s a good father, and a good provider. If you are a parent you desire to be a good provider to your kids. Even if you don't have kids, it's common you want to take care of your parents, or siblings, or friends. And just as each of these people have needs, so do we. Just like when our kids come to us for provision, we can turn to God for our needs.
Provision can also include wisdom and guidance. God provides advice in our lives. God also provides mental and emotional help, often in the form of his spirit.
In John 6, the large crowds that followed Jesus were a representation of those in need of help. Jesus was seen as a provider of physical, spiritual and emotional help. Jesus could provide in ways that the rest of the world could not. These crowds could have turned to the magicians of their day, or their healers, or religious zealots, or city leaders. And yet the more Jesus demonstrated his ability and willingness to provide, the larger the crowds became. Interestingly, even when he took care of the needs of those around him, his disciples didn't understand, the pharisees were jealous, and some people assumed he had an agenda.
There are people all around us that are looking for Jesus. There are also those who are confused and don't know where to turn with their needs. Many are listening to all the different voices and influences of the world and they simply want to be fed. Just like you, and just like our kids, everyone has needs. We often wander around trying to fill those needs and yet Jesus is right here, waiting to talk to you and provide for you.
The story in John not only illustrates God’s provision in the face of need, but there were leftovers! God often provides more than we need, even when we can’t see it.
In what ways can you see God’s provision in your life?
Has there been a time your needs were met without explanation?
John Piper says, “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, but you may be aware of three of them.” How many needs in your life have already been met that you have taken for granted? If I’m being honest, I tend to take salvation for granted sometimes, simply because I said yes to Jesus a number of years ago, but his salvation is his greatest act of providing for us there is! Our first need really is to be loved by God and he demonstrates that through his act of grace, even though we don’t deserve it.
Take stock in what you need right now. It could be many things, and it could be very few.
Regardless of where you find yourself today, take a moment to thank God for how he continues to provide for you even when you don’t realize it. Then thank God for what he will do for you later today, and tomorrow, and the next day. Finally, thank God that he invites you to come to him, to talk with him, to listen to him, to be loved by him, and to receive from him.
Posted in Message Reflection
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