Jesus the Healer
Heavenly Father, my gosh, how incredible you are! How wonderful are your thoughts for us! How beautiful is your heart for us! How fantastic is it that in your perfect love and majesty, you’ve created nothing less than an adventure for us to live. In the best of times and in the worst of times, all honor, praise, and glory belong to you!
Jesus didn’t just come to save us from our sins, but to heal us and make us whole in him.
Jesus sees you. Yes, Jesus sees you. Let that sink into your heart, move into your mind, wash over your spirit, and give you life.
We know that Jesus came into the world and lived a perfect life. He ministered, he performed miracles, signs, and wonders, he was crucified, died, and rose again. Praise God! We know that he did all these things to save us from our sins and rescue us from damnation. We, very much, know that once we believe in Jesus we are saved.
However, I think sometimes it’s more difficult for us to believe that Jesus came into the world to heal us too. We think to ourselves, the healings and miracles were for another time; Jesus doesn’t heal like he used to. That, on the contrary, is incorrect because we know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
God lets us know why Jesus came into the world in Matthew 1:21. In this verse, the Lord visits Joseph in a dream to tell him to take Mary as his wife, and to tell him about the child she will give birth to. The Lord says, “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” The word “save” in this verse has been translated from the Greek word “sozo” which actually means more than just to rescue someone, it also has to do with healing.
Jesus didn’t just come to rescue us from our sins, praise God that he did, but he also came to heal us in every way possible and make us whole.
Completion and healing are found in Jesus.
Sometimes we doubt. Sometimes we lose heart. Sometimes we give in to what the world has to say about our health not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well.
The world might say you’re incurable, you need to take these meds, you have x amount of time to live, you’re permanently disabled, and things like that. While these things that are said might have some substance to them, they don’t compare to our incredible God because with God all things are possible.
Not to dissuade you from listening to the advice of others, but we should be aware if we are taking that advice over God. Nothing should prevent us from praying about our health—mentally, physically, and emotionally—and believing that God can heal us.
Pray to him! Reach out to him! Believe in him!
Jesus sees you. Yes, he does. He knows your heart, your mind, your spirit, and every part of you. He knows what you need. He knows how you need it. He is the great physician in every way. We can come to him with all of our problems, big and small. He’s listening. He is life-giving. Reach out to him as he reaches out to you.
We know that Jesus came into the world and lived a perfect life. He ministered, he performed miracles, signs, and wonders, he was crucified, died, and rose again. Praise God! We know that he did all these things to save us from our sins and rescue us from damnation. We, very much, know that once we believe in Jesus we are saved.
However, I think sometimes it’s more difficult for us to believe that Jesus came into the world to heal us too. We think to ourselves, the healings and miracles were for another time; Jesus doesn’t heal like he used to. That, on the contrary, is incorrect because we know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
God lets us know why Jesus came into the world in Matthew 1:21. In this verse, the Lord visits Joseph in a dream to tell him to take Mary as his wife, and to tell him about the child she will give birth to. The Lord says, “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” The word “save” in this verse has been translated from the Greek word “sozo” which actually means more than just to rescue someone, it also has to do with healing.
Jesus didn’t just come to rescue us from our sins, praise God that he did, but he also came to heal us in every way possible and make us whole.
Completion and healing are found in Jesus.
Sometimes we doubt. Sometimes we lose heart. Sometimes we give in to what the world has to say about our health not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well.
The world might say you’re incurable, you need to take these meds, you have x amount of time to live, you’re permanently disabled, and things like that. While these things that are said might have some substance to them, they don’t compare to our incredible God because with God all things are possible.
Not to dissuade you from listening to the advice of others, but we should be aware if we are taking that advice over God. Nothing should prevent us from praying about our health—mentally, physically, and emotionally—and believing that God can heal us.
Pray to him! Reach out to him! Believe in him!
Jesus sees you. Yes, he does. He knows your heart, your mind, your spirit, and every part of you. He knows what you need. He knows how you need it. He is the great physician in every way. We can come to him with all of our problems, big and small. He’s listening. He is life-giving. Reach out to him as he reaches out to you.
Closing Prayer
My God, yes, Father. Thank you so much for being here with us yesterday, today, and forever. I thank you so much that you, as our eternal God, have our health and wellbeing fully in mind, and that you desire for us to be healthy and whole. I thank you that you heal us in every way—mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I pray that your healing hand goes out and touches the lives of those who need to be touched and that you comfort those who need to be comforted. I pray all these things in Jesus' name. Amen.
Posted in Message Reflection
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