Miro Testimonies

Heavenly Father, thank you so much for everything… everything… you have done for us. You created us. You allowed us to choose who we want to follow, ourselves, or you. After we fell, because we chose our way, you already had a plan to send your son into the world to save us from our sins. Thank you for your son, who left heaven and came down to our world, lived a perfect life, was crucified, died—and rose again. There was no way, but you made a way! Thank you for saving us! We lift your holy name!
Jesus, the Savior. Not only did he save us from our sins, but he’s continually saving us more and more every day. I like to think of the little ways Jesus is saving us as “micro testimonies.”
The day Jesus was crucified, died, and rose again was the day that Jesus became the Savior of the world. On that day he broke the shackles of sin, put Satan under his feet, and conquered death. Before that day there was no way—but Jesus paved the way and opened the door to salvation for all those that believe in his name. Praise God!!!

As for those of you who have already accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you’ve been saved! You’re born again. You’re a walking testimony. You’re a living and breathing witness of the power of God. But you’re not perfected, yet, which means that every day there is an opportunity to look at how Jesus is continually saving you. Think of the work of Jesus saving you more and more every day as “micro testimonies.”

I didn’t come up with the micro testimonies idea, but a friend of mine with another ministry shared the concept with me, and I loved it. The idea behind micro testimonies is that Jesus is continually, and constantly, saving us. He’s saving us from our sins—this or that bad habit, this or that addiction, this or that thought pattern, this or that emotional issue, and so forth.

Every time Jesus helps us overcome a sin, there’s another micro testimony! These micro testimonies are like our macro testimonies, but they are generally smaller and are quicker to share. Here’s an example of one from my life.

For the longest time, I knew that I drank too much coffee. My body had been cramping up for years. Pretty much, I was using coffee in an unhealthy way.

Then one day (or I should say for a while, I just didn’t listen) God had put it in my heart that I needed to cut back on my coffee intake. Slowly, but surely, I did. God would then show me how I was using coffee in an unhealthy way.

Now, I’d like to share with you the main way God showed me I was using coffee in an unhealthy way.

The main way I would use coffee in an unhealthy way was whenever I felt uncomfortable, usually in social situations, I would get myself a cup of coffee so that I could have something in my hand to make me feel less anxious. I used to do this with alcohol, but after I stopped drinking, I started to use coffee in the same way.

You may be thinking, that’s not totally bad, or unhealthy. But for me, it was.

God would let me know that I was using coffee, this substance, to rescue me from anxious feelings. God didn’t want me to use a substance to rescue me from anxious feelings, he wanted me to come to him with my anxieties. He wanted to comfort me. He wanted to care for me. He wanted me to come to him with all my needs. He is the only one that can heal and will heal everything.

Today, my body cramps less, and I've learned to go to God even with the littlest of things in my life because I know he wants to take care of those things too.

Micro testimonies. Pretty neat! Every micro testimony is an opportunity, in a little way, to share how Jesus is saving you more and more every day.

This week, try thinking of your own micro testimony. Nobody is perfect, except for Jesus, so I know you’ve got a micro testimony waiting to be shared! It can be anything! Then, I encourage you to share it with someone. Every micro testimony, I believe, gives glory to God because it shows the power of God working in your life even in the smallest of things.

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